Welcome to Regeneration 101 an on-demand module introducing regeneration in business

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of information on sustainability and regeneration?  

In this on-demand module, I will take you on a quick 60-minute flight over the world of regeneration in business. Once we landed you can continue exploring the transition to a regenerative and just future by roaming through the Regenerative Pathways Resource library.

What can you expect

  • Regeneration 101 Module

    In one hour you will get a better understanding of regeneration, see how it goes beyond sustainability. And get an idea of the mental paradigm shifts needed to realize this transformation.

  • Regenerative Pathways Resource Library

    Get access to a well-structured regenerative resource library rich with information and ideas in which you can explore the transition to a just, resilient and regenerative future for your business.

  • Regenerative Business Explorers Community

    Join the Regenerative Business Explorers Community for a full year. Together we explore the various pathways towards a just, resilient and regenerative future for you, your business and humanity.

Course curriculum

    1. The importance of regeneration in a nutshell

    1. Hi! Welcome!

    2. Information Overkil 650+ Sustainability Frameworks

    1. Reasons to embrace regeneration

    2. Imagining a just and regenerative future

    1. Introduction to the regenerative mindset

    2. When you never change your mind, why have one?

    1. Inspiration From Regenerative Pioneers

    1. How and where to start?

    2. Regenerative Future Library

About this course

  • €35,00
  • 10 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Discover the many pathways towards a regenerative and just future

My mission is to offer you the knowledge, tools and hands-on help on your path towards a regenerative future.

Thoughts of our previous course participants

“Minou guided us from the roots of our global challenges to some of the most regenerative solutions cases.”

Business Strategist

“Loved it! Information loaded, funny, and engaging. Really nice tone, a nice pace. Gets you to the bottom line with lots of suggestions to further your knowledge. I feel like I've got my feet wet enough to get moving AND realize there's so much more to read.”

Media Manager

“Genuinely useful, easy to follow, entertaining at points, and packed full of well-curated, essential info. Good stuff!”

Product Designer

“I have been learning about all of this for the past couple of years. I loved your summary of it!”

Business Coach

What's included?

  • 60 minutes of pre-recorded lessons rapidly providing you with an overview of what's happening in the world of sustainability and regeneration and why it's important for you to embrace change and continue to innovate. All the lessons include the recorded sessions with subtitles, the script and some additional explorative questions or exercises.

  • Access to a well structured regenerative resource library rich with information and ideas in which you can on your pace explore regenerative ideas and pathways.

  • Join the Regenerative Business Explorers Community for a full year. Together we explore the various pathways towards a just, resilient and regenerative future for you, your business and humanity.

Rapid introduction to the world of regeneration

After 60-minutes you will have a better understanding of what regeneration is, how it goes beyond sustainability, what it looks like in business and how you can start exploring regenerative pathways.

Regenerative Pathways Library

Easily find what you need right now to explore your pathway to a just and regenerative future.

Regenerative Pathways Explorers Community

Together we explore the various pathways towards a just, resilient and regenerative future for you, your business and humanity.



Minou Schillings

Regenerative Business Facilitator | My mission is to facilitate change and accelerate the transition to a regenerative & inclusive future 🌎

Minou Schillings (she/her) is a regenerative business facilitator, enthusiastic vegan chef, curious explorer and experimental painter 

She spends most of her time exploring regenerative pathways with business owners, teams and impact-driven individuals. Her Dutch background makes me direct, no-nonsense, down-to-Gaia and efficient. Her purpose is to enable others to become compassionate enough to want change, curious enough to imagine change and courageous enough to dare change. 

"When you never change your mind, why have one?" 

Start Your Journey Towards A Resilient, Just And Regenerative Future Today